Civil Service Appeals
List Removal Appeals
Have you been conditionally hired by a Civil Service agency, only to be removed from the eligibility list due to an unfavorable background report or other reason? Let our skilled team of Civil Service lawyers assist you in reinstating you back on the eligibility list.
Psychological Disqualifications
Psychological disqualifications occur when a conditionally hired Civil Service employee is found psychologically unfit through the psychological exam of their background investigation. We have extensive experience in these types of appeals and can counsel and assist you in getting your name back on the eligibility list. If you think you failed the psychological exam or have been notified you failed the psychological exam, call us right away.
Disciplinary Appeals
If you are a Civil Service employee who faced major discipline and are unhappy with the outcome of your departmental hearing, if you have been found unfit for duty, if you have been terminated and wish to waive your charges to the Office of Administrative Law, our office is skilled in handling these types of appeals. Our lawyers will come up with the best defense plan for you in this case and will walk you through all options and the best process for your specific case. Do not wait – reach out to us once you are served with departmental charges.
If you are a non-Civil Service employee, we can navigate you through your best option as to relief as appeal rights differ from Civil Service employees.
New Jersey Appellate Division
When looking for an appellate lawyer, it is important to hire someone who knows what they are doing and has experience in the field. Our skilled team of appellate lawyers will carefully navigate your appeal and craft the best possible arguments for relief. We will dedicate the time needed in order to successfully defend the appeal.